Lesson 06 The Dependency Graph

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Maya Architecture Defined by a node based system, known as a dependency graph. Nodes with attributes connected to them Hierarchies and Dependencies Set up your view panels to 2 Panes Side by side – STAGE || Panels > Layouts > 2 Panes Side by Side – Perspective in the first view. Hypergraph in the second. […]

Lesson 05 Working with Maya

Posted on Posted in AutoDesk Maya, Foundation 2008

The Workspace Layouts Change your view layouts – STAGE || Panels > Layouts > (Single Pane, Two Panes, etc) View Panels Change the content of your view panel – STAGE || Panels > (Orthographic, Perspective) View Tools Tumble view in Perspective View – Tumble in perspective: ALT + LMB CLICK DRAG – You can tumble […]

Lesson 04 Animation

Posted on Posted in Foundation 2008

Preferences (Reset your interface to its default setings) Turn on all your menus. Display all your menus. – HotBox [SPACEBAR] || Hotbox Controls > Window Options > Show Main MenuBar [ON]   Turn on all of the workspace options (Default Maya interface) – MAIN || Display > UI Elements > Show All UI Elements Change […]

Lesson 03 Shaders and Textures

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Hiding the General UI Use lesson 02 file Turn off all menus/show all menus – Switch to perspective view – press and hold [SPACEBAR] over stage Click on Hotbox Controls > Window Options > (check) either (Show Main Menubar or Show Pane Menubars) Turn off all workspace options / turn on stage fullscreen – HOTBOX […]

Lesson 02 Details

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Opening a File Open your previous scene from lesson 1. – MAIN MENU || File > Open Scene or CTRL + O Find your scene – Find your Maya file. Should be located in the scenes folder. – Click the Set Project button on the open file window. Saving Files – Two Different Formats: (.ma) […]

_Index Maya Shortcuts

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(For the complete set of Hotkeys: Windows > Settings/Preferences > Hotkey Editor ) Main Menu Duplicate: CTRL + D Group: CTRL + G Add to selection: SHFT + CLICK Display View Poly Count, Display number of faces, vertices: MAIN || Display > Heads Up Display > Poly Count. Stage Attribute Editor Window / Channel Box […]

Lesson 01 Primitives

Posted on Posted in Foundation 2008

Creating a New Project Launch Maya Create project – FILE > Project > Set – CLICK [Use Defaults] to populate default fields – CLICK [Accept] Build the Environment Change the menu sets. – Five menu sets: Animation, Polygons, Surfaces, Dynamics – Choose [Polygons] Create a polygonal plane – Disable “Interactive Creation”. CREATE > Polygon Primitives […]