Preparing Your Model for Delivery

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Prep Your Model For Delivery *Note: Depending on where and who you are prepping the files for, might vary on how you setup your model. – Select everything and Delete it’s history – Freeze your Transformations Depending if you moved a piece to a certain position will decide whether or not if you want to […]

Adding Hotkeys to mel scripts…

Posted on Posted in AutoDesk Maya, Extra Tutorials

Maya Scripts and Hotkeys This tutorial will teach you how to work with scripts in Maya. It will also show you how to assign script commands to keyboard shortcuts, otherwise known as hotkeys. Downloading Scripts When you download a script (from this site, or elsewhere), you should be asked to save the .mel file to […]

Maya Texturing: 2.4 Understanding Specularity

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Specularity, Highlights of the Surface Create a NURBs Sphere. By default, lambert1 is a applied. lambert has no specularity/highlights. It is matte in color. Create a material with highlights. – Open the Rendering Tab; – Notice all the materials with highlights. Lambert: Only material with no specularity; Anisotropic Blinn Phong PhongE Apply a Blinn material […]