Cinema 4D Key Commands & Shortcuts

Posted on Posted in Cinema 4D, Foundation: Cinema 4D


 * Navigating around your object and the stage.

[ ALT + LFT CLICK ] : rotate
[ ALT + MDL CLICK ] : move side to side
[ ALT + RT CLICK ] : dolly in and out


[ 1 + LFT CLICK ] : move side to side
[ 2 + LFT CLICK] : dolly in and out
[ 3 + LFT CLICK] : rotate


LFT CLICK on the icons

* Orthographic view, 4 panel view

[ MID + CLICK ] on the stage : bring up orthographic/4 panel view


[ CLICK ] on icon : bring up orthographic/4 panel view

 * Change stage view options, change stage arrangement, change stage order

STAGE MENU || Panel > Arrangement > (choose one)

* Framing your objects

SELECT OBJ + [ O ] : frames selected object


 SELECT OBJ + [ S ] : frames selected object

* Changing the registration point of how your camera rotates around your object

[ ALT + LFT CLICK ] anywhere on the object:
creates a registration point for your camera to rotate around.

[ ALT + LFT CLICK ] anywhere on stage not on an object:
uses center registration point for your camera to rotate around.

 [ ALT + CTRL + LFT CLICK ] (while an object is selected), anywhere:
uses the center registration of the selected object for your camera to rotate around.

* Change camera navigation manually

STAGE MENU || Cameras > Navigation > (select one)

CURSOR MODE : rotates camera around the spot you click
CENTER  MODE : rotates camera around the center of the stage
OBJECT MODE : rotates camera around the select object
CAMERA MODE : rotates cameras point of view

* Changing the shading of your objects

STAGE || Display > (select one)

* Turning on/off attributes associated with your objects

STAGE || Options > (uncheck/check one)

* Manipulating your objects

[ E ] : Move
[ R ] : Rotate
[ T ] : Scale

* Viewing camera angles

[ F1 ] : Perspective View
[ F2 ] : Top View
[ F3 ] : Right View
[ F4 ] : Back View
[ F5 ] : 4-Panel View
[ SHFT + CMD + Y ] : Redo camera viewport view
[ SHFT + CMD + Z ] : Undo camera viewport view