LMT: 2.5 Creating Reflections

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*Note: Creating and seeing reflections are determined by the materials and the renderer you choose to render out the scene.

  1. Materials with Reflections
    • – Anisotropic
    • – Phong
    • – Phong E
    • – Blinnjavascript:;
  2. Using Maya Software to Display Reflections
    • – Open the Display Render Settings.
    • – Make sure Maya Software is selected in the drop down.
    • – By default, the ability to view reflections will be turned off.
  3. Turn on reflections with Maya Software.
    • – Click on the Maya Software tab.
    • – Scroll down the “Render Settings Window” to the “Raytracing Quality” section and click on the Raytracing box.
    • Raytracingchecked turns on reflections for Maya Software.
      • Reflections: Determines the number of reflections within each other.
  4. Turn on Reflections using Mental Ray






*Note: Creating and seeing reflections are determined by the materials and the renderer you choose to render out the scene.

  1. Materials with Reflections
    • – Anisotropic
    • – Phong
    • – Phong E
    • – Blinn
  2. Using Maya Software to Display Reflections
    • – Open the Display Render Settings.
    • – Make sure Maya Software is selected in the drop down.
    • – By default, the ability to view reflections will be turned off.
  3. Turn on reflections with Maya Software.
    • – Click on the Maya Software tab.
    • – Scroll down the “Render Settings Window” to the “Raytracing Quality” section and click on the raytracing box.