Maya Texturing: 2.4 Understanding Specularity

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Specularity, Highlights of the Surface

  1. Create a NURBs Sphere.
    • By default, lambert1 is a applied.
    • lambert has no specularity/highlights. It is matte in color.
  2. Create a material with highlights.
    • – Open the Rendering Tab;
    • – Notice all the materials with highlights.
      • Lambert: Only material with no specularity;
      • Anisotropic
      • Blinn
      • Phong
      • PhongE
  3. Apply a Blinn material to your sphere.
    • – Change color of sphere to red;
    • – Open your IPR Window to see the updates;
    • – Open your Attribute Editor and navigate to the Blinn tab.
    • – By default, you’ll see a neutral highlight.
  4. Adjust the Properties for the Blinns highlight/specularity.
    • ATTRIBUTE EDITOR || Blinn Tab > Specular Shading Section.
      • Eccentricity: How Big the highlight.
      • Specular Roll Off: How intense/bright the highlight.
      • *Note: The smaller and brighter the highlight, the shinier the object is. The larger the more matte the surface is.
  5. Change the material to a Phong in the Attribute Editor
    • – Pull the Type drop-down and choose Phong as your material.
    • – The ATTRIBUTE EDITOR || Phong Tab > Specular Shading Section.
      • *Note: the values for specular shading has changed names.
      • – Cosine Power and specular color.
      • – Cosine Power: Determines how sharp or broad the highlight is.
      • – Phong is better for shinier surfaces.
  6. Change your surface material to PhongE.
    • The ATTRIBUTE EDITOR || PhongE Tab > Specular Shading Section.
      • Highlight Size: Determines size of highlight.
      • Whiteness: the white within the highlight.
      • Roughness: sharpness of the edge of highlight
  7. Change your surface to material to Anisotropic.
    • – Anisotropic material used for materials like metals and hair.
    • – Has non-circular highlights.. highlights along an axis.
    • The ATTRIBUTE EDITOR || Anisotropic > Specular Shading Section.
      • Angle:
      • Spread in X:
      • Spread in Y:
      • Roughness:
      • Fresnel Index: How it reflects light depending the roughness of the surface.