Maya Texturing:1.4 Hypershade Window

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Using the Hypershade Window

  1. Create a NURBs sphere.
  2. Apply a phongE material to the sphere.
  3. For the color attribute apply a texture map by clicking on the checkered icon to the right of the color section. This brings up a window of textures.
  4. Apply a cloth texture.
  5. For the cloth texture V color, apply a Ramptexture.
  6. Open up the HypershadeWindow: MAIN || Window > Rendering Editors > Hypershade.
    • – Inside the Hypershade window you’ll see all your textures in the Materials tab. Locate the PhongE texture that you created.
  7. Map out the PhongEtexture.
    • – RIGHT CLICK (over the PhongE material) > Graph Material:  to map out every connection in the Work Area.
    • – The place2dTexture item determines how the texture is applied to the material. So there is a place2dTexture for the cloth material and one for the ramp material.
    • – In the Hypershade, there are several tabs that can make it easier for you to find and modify your shader network.
    • The Texture Tab must be in the top section in order for you to see all the textures in your scene.