
Texture Mapping

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Texture Mapping

  1. Assign a Texture to a Polygon
    • – Create a polygonal box: POLYGONS || Create > Polygon Primitives > Cube.
  2. Create a Material
    • – Open Hypershade: POLYGON || Window > Rendering Editors > Hypershade
    • – Click on Blinn: HYPERSHADE Window || Maya > Blinn
  3. Assign the Material
    • – Select your cube and RMB + CLICK on the blinn material in the Hypershade window and select Assign Material to Selection.
    • – Select the cube
    • – Open the Attribute Editor
    • – Click on the blinn tab.
    • – Create a Render Node from the color attribute.
    • – Select Checker.
  4. Update the UV texture Editor
    • – Open the UV Texture Editor: ANIMATION || Window > UV Texture Editor.
    • – Select the cube and a flatten version of our object will be displayed in the UV Texture Editor.
    • NOTE: Maya will layout the UVs
    • – RMB over flatten version and translate below texture.
    • – Move the UVs around to setup a situation where UVs are not perfectly positioned. RMB over the outline in the UV texture editor and select UV.
    • – Select the UVs and rotate/translate until you get a mixed up image like the image below.
    • – Select all the UVs in the UV Texture Editor and select: POLYGONS || Create UVs > Automatic Mapping > □;
      • Automatic Mapping Options:
      • – Set to default settings;
      • Planes: 6 (for the six sides of the cube);
      • – Click [PROJECT]; But before you click, make sure you have the object selected in object mode.
  5. Position the projection planes in the UV Texture Editor
    • – RMB over the UV Texture Editor and select UV.
    • –  Select all the UVs and translate them down to see them better.
    • – In the Stage: RMB over the cube and select edge.
    • – Highlight an edge and determine which box in the UV Texture Editor it corresponds to.
    • NOTE: Two box edges were highlighted. This is the two edges that meet together. Determine which is the top of the box by selecting other edges.
  6. Separate the Panel from the Group
    • Once you determined the top of the cube, separate it by selecting the UVs of that panel.
    • – RMB over the outlines in the UV Texture Editor and select UVs.
    • – Select a UV of that panel and CTRL + RMB on the selected UV and choose Select to Shell.
    • – Move the selection from the group.
    • – RMB over the selection and choose Edge.
    • – Select the bottom edge in the UV Texture Editor.
    • – SHFT over the highlighted edge and select Move and Sew UVs.
    • Note: It snaps the dragged panel back to the group.
    • – RMB over panel and select UVs.
    • – Select a UV of that panel and  CTRL + RMB on the selected UV and choose Select to Shell.
    • – Move those two from the group.
  7. Continue the process till you have laid out the panels to your liking.
    • – Once you are finished, reposition and scale all the panels to fit in the top right.
    • Note: you can click on this icon: Selected Icons to be moved in UV space. This will position your panels to the edge of the texture but may change the orientation when doing so. Most prefer to size it themselves in the box.
    • – UV TEXTURE EDITOR || Polygons > UV Snapshot
      • UV TEXTURE EDITOR Options:
      • – 1024 x1024 is good
      • –  choose image format;
      • – pick file location;
      • – Note: make sure you have the UVs selected in the UV texture editor.
  8. Video File Stopping Point