Lesson 05 Working with Maya

Posted on Posted in AutoDesk Maya, Foundation 2008

The Workspace


  1. Change your view layouts
    • STAGE || Panels > Layouts > (Single Pane, Two Panes, etc)

View Panels

  1. Change the content of your view panel
    • STAGE || Panels > (Orthographic, Perspective)

View Tools

  1. Tumble view in Perspective View
    • – Tumble in perspective: ALT + LMB CLICK DRAG
    • – You can tumble in an orthographic tool by unlocking the tumble tool which is locked by default.
      • STAGE || View > Camera Tools > Tumble Tool □
      • To reset the view go to STAGE || View > Default view

View Cube

  1. Turn the cube on
    • – MAIN || Settings/Preferences > Preferences
      • Categories > View Cube > Show the Cube [checked]
      • Once you have this checked you can hide and show the cube by STAGE || Show > Manipulators


Other Panel Types

  1. Change the stage’s content.
    • – go to STAGE || Panels > Panels

Saved Layouts. Save your stage layouts

  1. Add a new layout of your own.
    • STAGE || Panel > Saved Layouts > Edit Layouts
    • (a pop-up window will appear)
  2. Add a new layout to the list
    • Panels pop-up window || Layouts (tab) > New Layout
    • – Select and edit the layouts name
    • – [ENTER]
  3. Edit the configuration of your saved layout
    • Panels pop-up window || Layouts (tab) > Edit Layouts
    • – Use the Configurations tab / Contents tab to edit your layout


Object Display Options.

Choose the display you want for your geometry thru STAGE || Display > Choose One

  1. Change your panel display
    • – Click on a panel to make it active
    • – Press:
      • Wireframe : 4
      • Smooth shaded : 5

Texturing and lighting

  1. Hardware texturing
    • Allows you to see textures and lighting in a scene.
    • – Build a shader that uses textures. Apply it to an object.
    • – Turn on Hardware Texturing : 6
  2. Display different textures
    • – Select the material that is assigned to your object
    • Attribute Editor || Hardware texturing > Textured Channel > Choose your channel
    • – Also adjust Texture resolution
  3. Hardware Lighting to light your scene
    • – Add a light to your scene
    • STAGE || Lighting > Choose one
    • – Turn on All Lighting and texturing: 7

High Quality Rendering

When High Quality Rendering is on, lets you see a good representation of your scene without rendering it.

  1. Turn on High Quality Rendering
    • STAGE || Renderer > High Quality Rendering [checked]

Display Smoothness

  1. Change NURBS smoothness
    • MAIN || Display > NURBS > Rough/Smooth/Med
    • OR…
    • Rough: 1
    • Medium: 2
    • Fine: 3

    Note: To speed up camera movement for a heavy NURBS scene go to
    WINDOWS || Settings/Preferences > Preferences
    – In the pop-up: Display > Fast Interaction [click]


Smooth Mesh Preview for polygons

  1. Change polygons smoothness with hotkeys
    • – Polygonal Display: 1
    • – Polygon cage and smooth preview: 2
    • – Smooth Preview only: 3

Show Menu

  1. List item you can hide to make modifying easier.

UI Preferences

  1. Reduce the UI to only view panels and menus
    • MAIN || Display > UI Elements > Hide all UI Elements
  2. Return to a full UI
    • MAIN || Display > UI Elements > Show all UI Elements


  1. Tear off a menu.
    • – Open a desired menu, then select the double line at the top.
    • (this opens a new window)

 Menu Sets

  • There are five menu sets in  Maya
  1. Choose one of the 5 menu sets in the upper left corner.
  2. Choose a menu using hotkeys.
    • Help: F1
    • Animation: F2
    • Polygons: F3
    • Surfaces: F4
    • Dynamics: F5
    • Rendering: F6


Another way of accessing tools and actions is by creating shelves

  1. Add a menu shelf. Create a shelf.
    • – Press CTRL + SHFT + (select item)
    • Item will appear on the active shelf.
  2. Edit the shelf contents and tabs
    • MAIN || Window > Settings/Preferences > Shelf Editor
    • OR…
    • – Select shelf Editor from the arrow left of the shelf
  3. Remove a menu item from the shelf. Remove tool from shelf.
    • MMB + DRAG the icon to the trash icon

Status Line

  • Status line provides feedback on settings that effect the way the tools behave.
    • – Current Menu Set
    • – Icons that allow you to create a new scene, open a scene, or save a scene
    • – The selection mode and selectable items
    • – The snap modes
    • – display history of selected items (visible by pressing the input and output buttons)
    • – Construction history flag
  1. Collapse part of the shelf buttons.
    • – Press small handle bar next to the button set.


  1. Access the hotbox
    • – Press and hold the spacebar

Hotbox marking menus

  1. Access the center marking menu
    • – Press SPACEBAR.
    • – CLICK + DRAG in the center area
  2. Access the edge marking menus in the Hotbox
    • – Press SPACEBAR
    • – CLICK + DRAG in the north, south, east, west quadrants.

Customizing the HotBox

  1. Customize the hotbox
    • – Use the Hotbox Controls
    • Or..
    • – Choose an option from the Hotbox Styles
    • – To get back your hotbox to the way it first appeared,
    • SPACEBAR > Hotbox Controls > Show All

Tool Manipulators

On the left of your screen are the select and transform tools.

    • Last tool used: Y

Universal Manipulator

Let’s you transform geometry in translation, rotation, or scaling.

  1. Using the universal manipulator tool
    • MAIN || Modify > Transformation Tools > Universal Manipulator
    • Or..
    • – Click on the icon
    • – Click on any of the manipulators and a numeric value will pop-up.

Soft Modification Tool

Let’s you push and pull geometry as a sculptor.

  • -MAIN || Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences > Settings > Selection > Click Drag Select, you can simply select the Soft Modification Tool, and click-drag on the object to modify it.

Transform Manipulators

  • – There are three manipulators. Scale | Rotate | Move
  • – Each axis corresponds to a color RGB that corresponds to XYZ
  1. Use a transform manipulator in a view plane
    • CLICK + DRAG on the center of the manipulator to move on all axes
  2. Constrain a manipulator along one axis
    • CLICK + DRAG on one of the manipulator handles
  3. Constrain along 2 axes
    • CTRL + CLICK + DRAG on axis aligned with desired plane of motion

Using Mouse Buttons

  • Select Objects: LMB
  • Select multiple objects: CLICK + DRAG a marquee box
  • Add objects to selection: CTRL + SHIFT, then click on object
  • Manipulate objects directly: CLICK + DRAG on a manipulator handle
  • Manipulate objects indirectly: Activate a manipulator handle. MMB + DRAG


Shift Gesture

  1. Change axis focus using hotkeys.
    • – Move Tool: w
    • – Rotate: e
    • – Scale: r
  2. Change axis focus using SHIFT key
    • Hold SHIFT key then MMB + DRAG in the direction of the desired axis

Set Pivot

  1. Change your pivot location
    • – Select a manipulator
    • – Press [INSERT KEY].
    • – Manipulator will change and click and drag it to your desired location.
    • – Press [INSERT KEY] to return to normal
    • Or…
    • – HOLD “D” and click drag the pivot manipulator to a new location

Channel Box

  • – Gives you access to the objects transform node and input nodes.
  • – If you have multiple nodes selected then your changes will be affected to every node.
  • – Modify what channels are displayed in the Channel Box
    • MAIN || Window > General Editors > Channel Control

Channel Box and  Manipulators

  1. Default manipulator settings in Channel Box
    • – Select a channel, then MMB + CLICK DRAG in open stage or CLICK + DRAG on the manipulator
  2. No- Manipulator Setting
  3. No Visual manipulator Setting

      • – Speed of movement
      • – Rate of movement

Attribute Editor

  • Used for all nodes (i.e. shaders, textures, surfaces, lattices, Render settings, etc.)
  1. Open the Attribute Editor window
    • – Select a object
    • MAIN || Window > Attribute Editor
    • Or..
    • MAIN || Display > UI Elements > Attribute Editor
    • Or..
    • – Toggle between Channel/Attribute editor: CTRL + a

Numeric Input

  • Add specific values to your transformations
  1. Enter absolute values
    • – Enter values and press enter. Object will be modified based on 0,0 coordinates
  2. Enter relative values
    • – Choose relative transform from the drop down
    • – Enter values and press Return. Objects will be modified based on it’s current location.

Selection Modes

  • 3 types of selection modes. Hierarchy | Object | Component

Object Mode

  • – Let’s you perform selections based on object type.
  • – You can access more detailed options that are listed when you RMB over the icons

  • – Maya gives priority to different object types when selecting. i.e. joints are selected before surfaces
    • You can change the priority by MAIN || Window > Settings/Preferences
    • Pop-Up Window || Selection > Pick Chooser

Component Mode

  • Allows access various components such as control vertices, isoparms, etc

RMB Select

  • Another way to access components is b RMB over the object that brings up a menu.

Combine Select Modes

  • Select CVs that are not visible. MAIN || Display > NURBS > CVs

Tools and Actions

  • Y: represents the last tool used from the QWERTY shortcuts
  1. As tool option
    • – Pick a menu item and go to options
    • – Under Edit menu, select As Tool
  2. Return to the last tool used
    • – Press the y key


  • Actions follow a selection-action paradigm. For instance loft. When you choose loft, you must select to components for the action to take place
  1. Find out selection requirements of an action
    • – Move cursor over a menu item
    •  ex:
    • – Notice what appears in the Status line
    • – Loft requires curves, isoparms or curves
  2. Complete the action
    • – when the popup window appears, click APPLY to initiate the action

2D Fillet as an action. A good example of a typical action

  • – As with actions, you need to understand what the tool needs to be executed.
  1. Draw two curves
    • – Select MAIN || Create > CV Curve Tool
    • – Place several points for one curve
    • – Press [ENTER] to complete
    •  Press y key to return to the curve tool
    • – Draw a second curve that crosses the first
    • – Press [ENTER] to complete
  2. Find out 2D fillet requirements
    • – Move cursor over SURFACES || Edit curves > Curve Fillet
    • – Notice the help line says “Select curve parameter points”
  3. Pick the first curve point
    • – Click on the first curve with RMB
    • – Pick Curve Point from the selection marking menu
    • – Click on the curve to place the point on the side you want to keep
  4. Pick the second curve point
    • – Click on the second curve point from the selection marking menu
    • – Press SHFT and click on the curve to the place the point on the side of the curve you want to keep.
  5. Fillet the curves
    • – Select SURFACES || Edit Curves > Curve Fillet []
    • – Turn trim option ON
    • – Click on the [FILLET] button

2D Fillet as a Tool

  1. Draw two curves
  2. Change curve fillet to tool
    • SURFACE || Edit Curves > Curve Fillet []
    • Curve Fillet Window || Edit > As Tool

      • Set Trim to ON
      • Press [FILLET TOOL]
  3. Pick the first curve
    • – Click LMB on first curve
  4. Pick the second curve
    • – click with the LMB on the second curve