Error “There is not enough disk space” when installing SP3

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Error “There is not enough disk space” when installing SP3

You may experience the following error when installing Windows
XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) when installing on Intel iMAC using Bootcamp to run Windows XP.

There is not enough disk space on C:\WINDOWS\$NtServicePackUninstall$ to install Service Pack 3 Setup requires an additional 4 megabytes of free space or if you also want to archive the files
for uninstallation,Setup requires 4 additional megabytes of free space. Free additional space on your hard disk and then try again.

This happens because iMac uses EFI file format which Windows XP does not support. To workaround this problem, add a registry key as follows:

1. Click Start – Run – Type “regedit” and press enter.

2. Navigate to



3. In the right pane, Right-click and select New – String value

4. Name it as “BootDir” and set its value to “C:\”